Corel Painter 是目前世界上最為完善的電腦美術繪畫軟體, 它以其特有的"Natural
Media"仿天然繪畫技術為代表, 在電腦上首次將傳統的繪畫方法和電腦設計完整的結
合起來, 形成了其獨特的繪畫和造型效果。
除了作為世界上首屈一指的自然繪畫軟體外, Corel Painter在影像編輯、特技製作和
二維動畫方面, 也有突出的表現, 對於專業設計師, 出版社美編, 攝影師, 動畫及多
媒體製作人員和一般電腦美術愛好者, Painter 都是一個非常理想的圖像編輯和繪畫
Corel Painter 2016 is the ultimate digital art studio for anyone ready to
expand their definition of creativity. Corel Painter 2016 is a combination
of inventive drawing tools, Natural Media brushes, image cloning capabilities
and virtually unlimited customization options give you total freedom for
creative expression. Internationally recognized for its RealBristle brushes,
Corel Painter 2016 offers the most realistic form of digital painting available
in the digital art realm. Corel Painter 2016 is changing what’s possible in
art. Explore new creative possibilities with Natural-Media brushes, paper
textures and media that look and feel just like traditional art materials.
Find unreal inspiration with revolutionary new Particle Brushes and mobile