The Compleat Gentleman The Modern Mans Guide to Chivalry 英文教學正式版
The Compleat Gentleman The Modern Mans Guide to Chivalry 英文教學正式版
According to Miner, an executive editor at Bookspan, former literary
editor of National Review and author of The Concise Conservative
Encyclopedia, a true gentleman is a master of the art of sprezzatura.
The term, as used by the Renaissance writer Castiglione, refers to a
way of life characterized by discretion and decorum, nonchalance and
gracefulness〞or, as Miner defines it, the cool exemplified by the
men in first class on the Titanic who went bravely to their deaths
in evening clothes. Underneath this unflappable quality, which says
is not determined by birth or class, resides a man who is at once a
warrior (a readiness to face battle for a just cause), lover (he lets
a woman be what she wants to be) and monk (a man possessing true
knowledge). In erudite and witty prose, Miner explores these three
facets of his concept of the gentleman through an engaging survey of
knighthood, warfare and courtship, "compleat" with the title's
archaic spelling. Beyond a liberal sprinkling of quotes from the
likes of G.K. Chesterton and Edmund Burke, the author provides a
learned romp through the worlds of Eleanor of Aquitaine, the Cathars
(a medieval heretical sect) and Benedictine monasticism. Miner's
theories are consistently entertaining, and seem pitched toward a
defense of his conservative view of contemporary politics, including
his endorsement (in the book) of the Iraq war. In fact, Miner
believes that a pacifist can be a gentleman only if he is also a
saint, and, in gentlemanlike fashion, he acknowledges his guilt about
his C.O. status during the Vietnam War.