1. Introduction.mp4
2. Planning a Studio.mp4
3. The 5 Year Goal.mp4
4. How Do You Work.mp4
5. Analysis Paralysis.mp4
6. Ergonomics and Health.mp4
7. Budget.mp4
8. Philosophies of Gear Selection.mp4
9. Studio Site Selection.mp4
10. Don't Bother the Neighbors.mp4
11. Time to Brainstorm.mp4
12. Studio Acoustics.mp4
13. Room Modes and Minimizing.mp4
14. Early Reflections.mp4
15. Reverb Time.mp4
16. Tools to Control Sound.mp4
17. Understanding Sound Absorption Coefficients.mp4
18. Absorption.mp4
19. Diffusion.mp4
20. Isolation Mass.mp4
21. Decoupling.mp4
22. Building a Good Sounding Room.mp4
23. How Much Treatment Do I Need.mp4
24. Placement Control Room.mp4
25. Placement Studio Live Room.mp4
26. Placement Isolation Room .mp4